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According to the US News and World Report superⅴpn下载apk Law School rankings, Oregon Law boasts 3 top-ranked programs: Legal Writing, Environmental Law, and atom免费版安卓apk.
Engage in a three-year, full-time, JD Program that is challenging, inspiring, and gratifying. Our outstanding faculty, extensive experiential learning opportunities, and custom-tailored approach to career and professional planning help you become the leader you want to be.
JD Program
Advance your career with this one-year, full-time program. As an internationally recognized postgraduate law degree, the LLM program requires an ABA-accredited JD degree (domestic applicants) or the first degree of law required for law practice or law teaching (international applications).
LLM Program
Rethink traditional approaches to conflict with a master of conflict and dispute resolution degree. This two-year program uses an interdisciplinary structured course of study to prepare you to lead in various career fields.
CRES Program
Broaden and deepen your law career opportunities with a concurrent degree--an advantage as laws grow increasingly complex. And, achieve the results in less time than the standard approach.
Concurrent Degree Programs
Take law courses from the same world-class professors that teach graduate law students. In these fascinating, interdisciplinary courses, you learn about the Constitution and the laws and policies that govern the environment, human rights, culture, business, crime, families, and conflicts.
Undergraduate Programs
The School of Law is home to a breeding pair of osprey, who return each year to raise their family on a nesting platform atop the Knight Law Center.
Livestream Nest Cam
“I am living my dream. As a civil rights prosecutor, I have the distinct privilege of working on behalf of all Americans to protect the rights of some of our most vulnerable community members. Without my UO law degree, none of this would be possible.”
Federal Prosecutor
United States Department of Justice
Civil Rights Division, Washington, DC
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Practical Experience
Immersed in nature, the Eugene metropolitan area is the second largest city in Oregon and home to the Knight Law Center. Eugene is also home to the Federal Courthouse, Lane County Circuit Court, and the city’s Municipal Court.
Explore the Eugene Campus
A Bridge to Practice—The Portland Program
The School of Law’s Portland Program offers you the opportunity to spend your entire third year building a portfolio of real-world experience, specialized course work, and personal connections. Engage law in the heart of Oregon’s largest city and center of the largest network of UO law alumni.
Since 1884, we've built a tight-knit community of accomplished Law School alumni. This law community supports student scholarships and faculty research, share its wisdom in class visits, and helps new graduates launch their careers. In the process we've formed a strong network of personal and professional connections that will last a lifetime.
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